Options and Performances

To enable multi-SMTP delivery or to change the delivery settings, please click the Options and Performances button at the Publish view.

Delivery Mode
The way you send your messages. To learn more about the delivery mode, please reference Direct Mailing, Relay Mailing and Mixed Mailing.

Connection / Thread count
Adjusts thread count for delivery. The default is Automatic.

Retry attempts on delivery failure
Retry times for resending each failed delivery. The default is 5 times.

Connect and receive timeout
The maximum delay time to wait for the server reply after a request. If you have low bandwidth, 30 seconds timeout or more is required. The default is 60 seconds.

This SMTP server limits the number
The maximum number of mailings your ISP restricts.

Sleep when the limit reached
Sleep to fit the limits of your SMTP server.

Sleep after each message
Sleep between messages to control the load balance of mail servers. The default is 5 seconds.

Sleep between retries
Sleep between retries to control the load balance of mail servers. The default is 10 minutes.